Salvia cedrosensis

Cedros Island sage

Plant Type: Shrub
Sun: Sun
Drainage: Medium, Well-draining
Water: Naturalize, Occasional
Height X Width: 2' X 2'
Santa Clara County Local: No
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Cedros Island is one of the Mexican Channel Islands on the Pacific side of Baja California. It is generally considered to be the most southerly extent of the California Floristic Province with its Mediterranean climate type. The island receives very little rainfall. The dominant plant community is desert scrub. The island can be shrouded in considerable fog, which supplements the scant rainfall. Many island plants have adapted to this combination of moisture sources with a combination of white, waxy foliage to minimize moisture loss, and fine hairs on the leaves to capture fog-borne moisture. This all renders the Cedros Island sage quite white. It grows as a small, rounded shrub to about two feet. The flowers range from white to lavender. A sunny site in well-draining soil is ideal for this sage. Although considered frost tender, the Cedros Island sage has thrived in the nursery for several years. It is a great choice for a potted island native plant.


Deer Resistant: Yes
Attractive to Bees: Yes
Attractive to Butterflies: Yes
Good Under Oaks: No
Evergreen or Deciduous: Evergreen