Our Plants (List)

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Abronia latifolia - Sand Verbena

Abronia latifolia

Sand Verbena

Abutilon palmeri - Indian mallow

Abutilon palmeri

Indian mallow


Indian mallow is one of many California natives that do exceptionally well outside of their native range. While indian mallow is native to hot, dry, rocky slopes, it grows beautifully and is quite hardy in many settings. The leaves are light olive-green and are given a frosty appearance by a…

Acaena pinnatifida

Argentinian biddy biddy


This California endemic occurs in coastal settings along the central coast and SF Bay Area. Strangely, the species, though not our variety, is also found in southern Chile and Argentina. That presumably explains part of the unusual common name. Argentinian biddy biddy grows as a low mound of dark green…

Acaena pinnatifida var. californica

Argentinian biddy biddy


This California endemic occurs in coastal settings along the central coast and SF Bay Area. Strangely, the species, though not our variety, is also found in southern Chile and Argentina. That presumably explains part of the unusual common name. Argentinian biddy biddy grows as a low mound of dark green…

Acalypha californica - California Copperleaf

Acalypha californica

California Copperleaf


California copperleaf is a plant like no other in California. It is a member of the highly diverse spurge family, Euphorbiaceae, and the only member of the genus in California. This attractive shrub grows in chaparral settings in the lower peninsular ranges from Los Angeles County into Baja, where both…

Acer circinatum - Vine maple

Acer circinatum

Vine maple


Vine maple grows in the cool understory of larger trees in the northwestern portion of the state. The small lobed leaves of this maple display shades of yellow, green and red throughout the year before falling in autumn to reveal the attractively sculpted, reddish gray branches. Site vine maple in…

Acer macrophyllum Santa Clara County - Big Leaf Maple Santa Clara County

Acer macrophyllum

Big Leaf Maple


This fast growing maple thrives along the west coast from Alaska to southern California. It prefers sites that are at least seasonally moist, where its roots can access subterranean water all year. In Santa Clara County one often finds it within a stone’s throw of waterways, though rarely streamside. The…

Acer macrophyllum Santa Clara County - Big Leaf Maple Santa Clara County

Acer macrophyllum Santa Clara County

Big Leaf Maple Santa Clara County


This fast growing maple thrives along the west coast from Alaska to southern California. It prefers sites that are at least seasonally moist, where its roots can access subterranean water all year. In Santa Clara County one often finds it within a stone’s throw of waterways, though rarely streamside. The…

Acer negundo - Box elder

Acer negundo

Box elder


Box elder is a common member of riparian and valley plant communities throughout much of California, especially coastal mountains from Mendocino County to Baja. It quickly grows in a rounded form to about 35 feet, rarely larger. The light green compound leaves have three to five leaflets that may be…

Achillea millefolium - Yarrow

Achillea millefolium



Yarrow is widespread in California and throughout the northern portions of the Northern Hemisphere (the “circumboreal” region). In California it is only excluded by the deserts of the southeast. Wherever found, yarrow grows as an expanding patch of soft, fragrant, fronds of tiny leaflets (millefolium = a thousand leaves). The…