Hazardia detonsa

Northern Island Haplopappus

Plant Type: Shrub
Sun: Sun
Drainage: Well-draining
Water: Naturalize, Occasional
Height X Width: 6' X 6'
Santa Clara County Local: No
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This rare member of the aster family is endemic to the most northern California Channel Islands. The leaves are nearly white, a water-conserving adaptation fairly common in plants from the islands. Northern Island Haplopappus is an open, fountain-shaped shrub covered with yellow flowers for much of the spring and early summer. Although a highly adaptable plant, it does need ample sun and prefers well-draining soil. Consider planting with ceanothus for an attractive contrast against their dark green foliage. Island ceanothus, Ceanothus arboreus, is a natural choice from the Channel Islands. Another Channel Island companion is island manzanita, Arctostaphylos insularis.


Deer Resistant: Yes
Attractive to Bees: Yes
Attractive to Butterflies: Yes
Good Under Oaks: No
Evergreen or Deciduous: Evergreen