Symphoricarpos albus


Plant Type: Shrub
Sun: Partial Shade, Shade
Drainage: Adaptable
Water: Occasional, Regular
Height X Width: 5' X 5'
Santa Clara County Local: Yes
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Snowberry occurs in mountainous regions throughout the state, most often in at least partial shade and a source of seasonal moisture (a spring creek, etc.). It spreads via rhizome to form a patch of straight, vertical shoots of apple-green deciduous leaves with an open growth form. The flowers are an attractive pink leading to the pure white berries for which the plant is named. The berries are not suitable for eating. The spreading thicket is ideal for attracting and supporting wildlife. I have found that the ground within a snowberry patch is usually clear of weeds. Even Vinca major will not grow into it. I suspect that this is an example of allelopathy – the inhibition of plant growth by another plant. Perhaps the hardy snowberry can be used as a barrier to inhibit the spread of troublesome invasives. In any case, snowberry is a durable addition to a shady corner of the garden.


Deer Resistant: Yes
Attractive to Bees: Yes
Attractive to Butterflies: Yes
Good Under Oaks: Yes
Evergreen or Deciduous: Deciduous